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Report on Fees Received

This report allows a user to produce a report on any fees, type of payments used and the source of the fees that were charged during the period selected.

Note that before you can be able to produce a report on any fees received:

1. LPF should have been configured to charge fees and commissions System Configuration/Loan Product Settings/fees Settings.

2. Also note that fees can be configured to be charged Before loan application, Before loan Approval, After loan Approval and During loan disbursement under System Configuration/Loan Product Settings/fees Settings.

3. You can then be able to enter the selected fees under Loans/Loan Application/Loan Application Fees and Loans/Disbursement.

4. You can be able to view the report on any fees received for specific fees category by ticking the appropriate fees checkbox of your choice.

How to view the Report on Fees Received.

To get here, you go to Loans\Portfolio Reports\Reports on Repayments\Report on Fees Received.  A screen like one below will appear.

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Portfolio Report Formats.

Click on the OK to generate the report on fees received that will look as follows:

Click on the Close button to exit.

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